Poor George Zimmerman. He can’t sell a painting. He can’t find a job as a celebrity. He can’t walk down the street without his life being threatened. He can’t keep his hands of a woman. Blah. Blah. Blah. Now Mr. Stand Your Ground alleges he is $2.5 million in debt and homeless. Yes, he’s homeless. Says he’s homeless. LaDaDee LaDaDa *Cues up Crystal Waters.*
Zimmerman, who was found not guilty of killing Trayvon Martin, recently did an interview with Spanish network Univision to discuss his trials and tribulations after the not guilty verdict in 2013. How convenient of George to acknowledge his Hispanic heritage all of a sudden?
During the interview, George/Jorge blames the media for sensationalizing the Trayvon Martin trail, how he has to wear a bulletproof vest everywhere he goes, and how he will be forever be known as that dude that killed Trayvon. He also states the trial caused him to have post traumatic stress disorder and he’s unable to gain employment. George’s delusions must have convinced him that his life will go back to normal. After all, it was George’s delusions that told him to stand his ground.
George Zimmerman aka Jorge since you want to acknowledge your Hispanic heritage, you are currently reaping what you sowed. The court of law may have found you not guilty but that bitch called Karma is making you pay. No one sympathizes with an alleged child murder. Point blank and the period.
Now cue up Crystal Water’s Homeless song.
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