NFL free agent Kerry Rhodes is tired of ya’ll asking him is he gay, especially when he already has answered the question. Rhodes recently did an interview with ESPN where he address his gay rumors in the wake of potential NFL hopeful Michael Sam’s coming out as a gay man.
“I emphatically said no once and that’s all I need to say and people who know me know that’s definitely not the case. To me I’m definitely not and I can’t control what people think, so I move on,” states Kerry in the interview.
Rumors about Kerry began to circulate around the Internet last year when his former male assistant produced photographs with the NFL player alleging Kerry was not only gay, but he was having sexual relations with the football player. Kerry has denied those rumors without making emphasis on him being straight.
I am one of the few people that believe Kerry is not gay because Kerry has never made any comments about being uncomfortable around the gays or made attempts to exaggerate his masculinity. I do believe that he’s gay friendly because he’s secure with his sexuality. Real straight men don’t worry about if a gay man is hitting on them or trying to get them naked. Just a thought.
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