As some you may have figured out, Mary J. Blige is my favorite singer of all times. No Jimmie, you don’t say? After all you seem to quote her every chance you get(insert side eye).
Anyway, getting back to the program, The Queen of Hip-Hop Soul recently released her latest video, theĀ Shalamar remake (Google them), “A Night to Remember” from her latest album, Think Like A Man Too Soundtrack. Yes, MJB did a Prince, Aretha, Gladys, and a Nippy on that ass and released a soundtrack album. I may have to stomach a Kevin Hart’s movie just to support my girl.
I love this video because we RARELY see MJB have fun and let loose. The video features legendary stylist, House Mother June Ambrose as they two step their way through Vegas.
Check out the video below and share your thoughts.