Everybody Hates Frank

Frank Ocean seems to be causing trouble in MusicWorld. First, some rappers will no longer collaborate with the Grammy Award winning singer because he’s bisexual(more on that later). Now, he’s being sued for paying homage to the Queen of Hip-Hop Continue reading Everybody Hates Frank

Harris Family Issues

First Destiny’s Child break up, now the Internet is buzzing about the separation of the First Family of the South, T.I. and Tiny. According to FreddyO.com, the “Kang and his ole lady”  allegedly decided to revisit the single life after Continue reading Harris Family Issues

Grammy’s Recap: GrabYaJimmie Style

Unless you’ve been under a rock or your illegal wi-fi was temporarily shut off, the 2014 Grammy Awards aired last Sunday. The Granny Awards, as we will call them, was another less than spectacular offering unless you are apart of Continue reading Grammy’s Recap: GrabYaJimmie Style